Our policies are usually All Risks stock insurances providing cover for your merchandise both at your premises and outside of it (for example personal carryings, sendings by the post office or courier service, entrustments to third parties). These policies can be extended to include cover for your trade contents; Fidelity Guarantee;  Wearing Risk;  Work Upon Risk;  Exhibition Risk;  Mysterious Disappearance;  Products and Employer’s Liability.  Often some of these additional covers are included automatically at no extra cost but this depends on the insurer and package chosen. You can rely on us to provide you with the best quotation once we understand your business.

 We guarantee prompt and efficient claims handling. When a loss occurs, we take immediate steps to deal with the situation. Our network of experts ensures that our offers meet the standard you expect from the market.

 For more detail infomation, plaese contact our marketing for apointment arrangement.

Our primary products are insurance policies for:

    Jewellery Insurance

  •  Jewellers’ Block

  •  Jewellery Sendings

  • General Insurance

  •  Motor vehicle

  •  Properities

  •  Liabilities

  •  Group Medical

  •  Other Custom Products