Choice –we offer you a real option for your insurance protection.
Assessment – we assess your insurance requirements and provide you with what you need, not make you pay for extras you don’t.
Advice – our experienced insurance advisors understand your trade and more importantly the products we sell.
Specialisation – we specialise in insurance to the jewellery, diamond and fine art trades.
Access – we use top rated insurers to place your insurance with. Not just one, like some of our competitors.
Personal – we would like to get to know your personally. That’s how we understand your business and insurance requirements.
Transparency – we want our policies to be as clear as possible. If you don’t understand something let us know and we will be happy to clarify. We will also use your query to discuss with the insurer as to whether that part of the policy could be made clearer in future.
Speed – our policy documentation will be with you within days. When you have a claim we will process it as quickly as possible.
And finally:
Cost – our competitors sometimes say their insurance policies may not be the cheapest but their cover is the widest. We say what is wrong with providing both?